Admissions Open for 2024-25 to Play Group, Nursery & Grade 1 to 5. Limited seats Available.


Smt. Usha Yaji

M Sc, BEd


"Education is a shared commitment among motivated students, dedicated teachers and enthusiastic parents with high expectation"

Dear Students, Staff and Parents,

Warm welcome to the Navakar Vidya Peetha.

Our actions are born from our thoughts, our thoughts are the product of our values and values come from our own belief system. We get what we focus on: so focus that good things would happen to our children who are bleeding with boundless energy that needs space to flow.

“A child is like a bud" who require a lot of care and nourishment to bloom in to beautiful and healthy flower in future. Likewise, the child doesn’t need only a good education but a fulfillment of many elements that are not only associated with academic but also child's holistic development.

Let's all together with collective and collaborative efforts to connect with our children in the journey of formal education to create a healthy and successful future.

Success doesn't mean absence of problems, it means overcoming problems.

Wish you all happy and successful academic session.